On November 8, Google began rolling out a promised update to its product review ranking system. Information about this appeared in the Google Search Central X account and on the Google update history page.
The exact timing of the completion of the update rollout is not indicated, but it is reported that this is the last announcement of this kind of update, as the review ranking system is constantly being improved.
Considering the fact that the new update overlaps with the current update of Google’s main ranking system, which started on November 2, this does not bode well for webmasters. As many feared, two simultaneous updates can cause a real hurricane in the search results, and the consequences for sites will be unpredictable.
In principle, the graphs of SERP monitoring systems demonstrate exactly this.
NIX Solutions reminds you that the previous update of the review ranking system took place in April of this year. Then Google removed the reference to products from the name “product reviews update,” thereby expanding the scope of its application. Now, the search engine will completely stop warning about updates to this system.