NIXsolutions: Google Releases Chrome Optimized for Arm Processors

Google has recently unveiled a stable version of the Chrome browser specifically optimized for computers with Arm processors. This release comes after the beta version was introduced on the Canary channel two months ago.

Improved Experience for Windows Arm Users

This release marks a significant milestone for Windows Arm users, offering them a fully optimized browser for a smoother and faster browsing experience. Previously, utilizing the Chrome x64 application through emulation on computers with Arm processors severely impacted performance. With this optimized version, users can expect enhanced performance and efficiency.


Collaboration with Qualcomm Ensures Enhanced Performance

Google’s collaboration with Qualcomm underscores its commitment to delivering a superior web browsing experience on modern Arm computers. This optimized version of Chrome is designed to run seamlessly on any computer equipped with an Arm processor, irrespective of the manufacturer. However, it’s worth noting that currently, Qualcomm is the primary producer of such chips for Windows devices.

“We designed the Chrome browser to be fast, secure, and easy to use on desktop and mobile devices. Our close collaboration with Qualcomm will help ensure Chrome users have the best web browsing experience on modern Arm computers,” stated a Google spokesperson.

Building on Past Success and Support for Arm Processors

This isn’t Google’s first foray into optimizing Chrome for Arm processors, reminds NIXsolutions. In 2020, the company released an Arm version of its browser tailored for Apple Mac computers equipped with Arm chips. Moreover, Google has a longstanding commitment to supporting Arm processors, evident in its compatibility with Chromebooks running on ChromeOS.

As Google continues to refine its browser for diverse computing environments, users can anticipate further enhancements and optimizations. We’ll keep you updated on any developments in this space.