NIX Solutions: Google Chrome on Android Gets Redesigned New Tab Page

Google has introduced a fresh design for the New Tab Page within the Chrome app on Android, now accessible to select users. Here’s a breakdown of the alterations:

Thicker Search Window: The search window now mirrors the appearance found in Gmail and Google Search applications, boasting a thicker display.

NIX Solutions

Dedicated Favorite Tabs Section: Users will notice the favorite tabs section now resides on a dedicated card, enhancing accessibility.

New “Recommendations / Subscriptions” Switch: A novel feature, this switch offers a new way to manage recommendations and subscriptions.

To activate the new interface, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the following address: chrome://flags/#enable-surface-polish
  2. Paste it into the address bar and press Enter.
  3. In the highlighted item, select “Enabled Arm 1: MVP” after clicking the Default switch.
  4. Restart your browser by clicking the Relaunch button at the bottom.

To remove recent search queries from the favorite sites panel, use the chrome://flags/#query-tiles-ntp flag.

NIX Solutions remonds that since October, Google Chrome for iOS has allowed users to relocate the address bar to the bottom of the screen, a feature yet to be seen in the Android version of the browser.