NIXsolutions: Google Changes Mobile URL Display

Google has announced changes to how URLs are displayed in mobile search results. Previously, mobile users saw “breadcrumbs” — a hierarchical display of the web page address with “>” symbols separating sections after the domain. Now, only the domain will be visible, without details about the site’s folder structure.


Changes Limited to Mobile Devices

These updates, introduced globally starting today, affect only mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. On desktop computers, “breadcrumbs” will continue to appear in their previous form. According to The Verge, Google removed the navigation element because it is “less useful for people searching for information on mobile devices.” Additionally, URLs on small screens often appeared truncated due to limited space.

Impacts on User Experience

While the change aims to improve mobile user convenience, it may disappoint those accustomed to navigating by URL structure. Smaller devices like the iPhone 13 Mini often displayed incomplete “breadcrumbs,” but the update applies to larger mobile screens as well, where sufficient space existed for the full URL structure.

Although Google claims the adjustment is meant to enhance usability, some users may find it complicates navigation, adds NIXsolutions. It’s worth noting that on larger devices, this change may reduce clarity for users relying on visual cues. We’ll keep you updated if Google decides to respond to user feedback about these updates.

This adjustment reflects the company’s ongoing efforts to optimize search results for mobile users. However, as with any change, its success will depend on how well it aligns with user preferences and habits.