SEO-experts are seeing early signs of another update to the Google ranking algorithm, which are manifested in a change in the issue and an increase in the number of discussions on SEO forums.
Changes in issuance and fluctuations in positions
Since June 13, webmasters have been reporting a sharp decline in organic traffic, accompanied by short-term spikes, as well as changes in keyword positions.
Increasing share of direct traffic and high bounce rates
In addition, there is an increase in the share of direct traffic, accompanied by high bounce rates, which indicates possible changes in the ranking algorithm.
Reflection in SERP monitoring tools
SERP monitoring tools also capture fluctuations in SERPs, and the observed volatility is indicative of significant changes in the algorithm.
SEO Expectations
Most SEO experts agree that Google will soon announce an official update, probably related to anti-spam algorithms.
NIX Solutions reminds that the last official update of the Google ranking algorithm dedicated to reviews ended on April 25. After that, on May 1-2, there was an unconfirmed update known as Google I/O, which was named after a developer conference.
It’s also worth noting that on June 12, Google mobile search launched the Perspective filter, which appears at the top of search results for queries related to other users’ experiences.
The overall picture indicates that Google is gearing up for a new ranking algorithm update and the SEO community is expecting an official announcement soon.