NIX Solutions: Debunking Domain Name and SEO Rankings Myths

Domain Name Keywords and Search Rankings

The presence of keywords in a domain name does not help to rank better in the search. As Google engineer Gary Illyes said in the last episode of the Search Off The Record podcast, this is now as much a myth as the popular belief that .edu and .gov domains are incredibly valuable for getting links.


The Truth About Exact Match Keywords

According to him, the exact match does not matter. Sometimes the presence of keywords in a domain name can be useful for CTR, but not as much as you might think.

Manipulating URLs and Weight in Search Rankings

“Everything that the URL consists of, the site owner can technically manipulate. That’s why we don’t want to give it much weight. This means it may not help as much in search rankings as people think.”

Considering Business Prospects over Exact Match

John Mueller confirmed his words and advised not to really chase the exact match in the domain name, but to think about the prospects for developing your business:

“It might make sense to focus on your brand rather than your keywords because your site will evolve over time. For example, now you only sell potato peelers, and in a year you will start selling avocado peelers. And if your site is called, it will be problematic to start selling avocado peelers. Would you click on a site called bestpotatopeeler2023 if you are looking for an avocado peeler in 2024?”

Domain Name: A Business Decision, Not Just an SEO Strategy

Both Google representatives agreed that a domain name is primarily a business decision, not an SEO strategy, notes NIX Solutions.